🎓 Soon to graduate

Continue your Journey with KFH when transferring your salary to enjoy products and services that suits your needs and lifestyle.

✨ YOUR Benefits

KFH Rewards



Salary Transfer Offers



"Al Rabeh" Account

Chances To Win With

Transfer your salary and enjoy various benefits and offers from KFH.

KFH "Oasis Club" Cards

Explore new world of uniqueness with KFH Oasis Club Mastercards.

Cashback from Visa Signature

Get up to % off your purchase with Visa credit card signature and enjoy many advantages

Not only a winner..

Open “AlRabeh” account and you will have the chance to win 1,500 Kuwaiti Dinars weekly, 1 kg of Gold monthly and 25,000 Kuwaiti Dinars quarterly.

KFH Rewards

You can start using Baitak Reward and multiply your points when using a selection of our cards

Consumer finance products

Your destination for browsing through a wide range of vehicles, marine equipment and motorcycles, KFH auto financing services, offers and much more !

Continue your Journey with KFH🎓

Join us now

Enjoy products and services that suits your needs and lifestyle