This service will meet the customers’ requirements for closing...
This service will meet the customers’ requirements for closing current debit and apply for new finance.
Salary transfer (Account holder).
Other banks (Non Account holder).
- Number of installments reach 30% of current debt that need to be rescheduled.
- No over past dues payments.
- Finance type must be identical "Consumer for Consumer", "Installment for Installment".
The purpose of financing can be divided into:
1- Purchasing the following consumer goods:
- Medical service – Treatment plan.
2- Purchasing the following Installment materials:
- Buying a land for the purpose of construction.
- Buying a house.
- Building a house.
- Rebuiling a house.
1. What are the main conditions for the rescheduling for new lending service?
Number of installments reach 30% of current debt .
No over past dues payments.
Finance type must be identical (consumer for consumer, installment for installment).
2. Which branches I can submit my application ?
- We offer this service in all KFH branches.
3. Which customers are eligible for rescheduling their financnes?
- This service for Kuwaiti Nationals and expats as well as KFH’s account holders and non KFH account holders.
4. What kind of product that is included in rescheduling of finances?
- At this service we cover the following commodities: (cars, boats , furniture and home appliances, etc.) all consumer products and installment ones (construction materials and works) except cars operational leasing and credit cards.
5. I have a current debit, can I increase the limit or amount and pay off the existence on?
- Yes, the customer can be financed within the limit of consumer and installment finance.